CPR C Courses

Learn to save the life of a loved one, by taking a CPR level “C” course. CPR C includes all of the components involved in CPR “A” and CPR “B” and involves infant rescues. We offer the most competitively priced, comfortable, and convenient CPR level “C” and AED courses in your area. Our courses offer the latest techniques and hands-on training using the latest and newest equipment such as high-end mannequins, bag-valve masks, pocket masks, and key-chain pocket masks. Our CPR “C” courses are led by workplace-approved certified instructors. Candidates that successfully complete a workplace approved CPR level “C” and AED course will receive a nationally accredited certificate that is valid for 3 years. Certification meets government and legislative standards for your area. Re-certification courses are available for CPR “C”. Select the re-certification tab from the main menu to see if you meet the requirements for a workplace-approved CPR “C” and AED re-cert course.

Course Content of CPR “C” Courses:

Candidates who register in CPR level “C” and AED courses will learn the following:

Pocket Mask as Barrier Device for CPR C Courses
CPR Pocket Mask used as protective equipment when doing CPR
  • Recognize and treat conscious choking adult, child, and infant victims.
  • Recognize and treat unconscious choking adults, children, and victims.
  • Recognize and treat non-breathing adult, child, and infant victims.
  • Recognize and treat unconscious breathing adult, child, and infant victims.
  • Recognize and treat complications of CPR such as vomiting and regurgitation.
  • Recognize when and how to position victims into a recovery position.
  • Recognize when and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED).
  • How to use proper protective equipment
  • The Good Samaritan act and the legal implications behind providing CPR and First Aid


AED Adult Trainer Pads for CPR course
Learn how to use an AED by taking CPR C Courses today.

To register for a CPR level “C” and AED course select your location from the main menu or the side menu bar. Once you select your location you will be directed to a workplace-approved training provider in your area. All of our partnered workplace-approved providers offer secure, convenient, and comfortable online registration. Courses are offered throughout Canada and a variety of training centers near you.

Cost of CPR Course:

The cost of a CPR level “C” and AED course vary throughout Canada. The approximate cost of a CPR “C” course is 55 dollars. Course fee includes workplace-approved certification fees, CPR manual, and taxes.

CPR Training Locations:

Our training partners are located throughout Canada and offer CPR level “C” courses throughout Canada in convenient and comfortable locations. We have training centers in Vancouver, Surrey, Victoria, Kelowna, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, Hamilton, and Ottawa. We partner with only the highest quality workplace-approved training providers in Canada.

Up-to-date CPR:

St Mark James offers the most up-to-date CPR training available as recommended through the large governing body on CPR training. The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) recently completed its recommendations for all of the major CPR providers in Canada. New CPR standards have been released in 2011 and 2012.

Take a CPR “C” course today and learn the latest rescue techniques!
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