Recognizing Bronchitis Symptoms

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Bronchitis is a result of irritation, swelling and contamination of the airways in the lungs referred to as the bronchi. There are essentially two main types of bronchitis:

  • Acute bronchitis – this continues for about 2 to 4 weeks and is generally receptive to therapy.
  • Chronic bronchitis – this is type is a lot different and results in lasting harm to the interior walls of the airways.


Insistent Cough

  • The common sign is a cough that is generally insistent and escorted by a discharge of a yellow-green phlegm.
  • The cough might last long after the acute bronchitis is resolved. A constant cough might cause pain and discomfort in the chest and abdominal muscles as well.

Bronchitis Symptoms

Bronchitis is a result of irritation, swelling and contamination of the airways in the lungs referred to as the bronchi.
Bronchitis is a result of irritation, swelling and contamination of the airways in the lungs referred to as the bronchi.
  • Coughing up phlegm that might be clear, green, yellow, white, or even tinted with a bit of blood.
  • Tension and discomfort in the chest
  • Lack of breath
  • Discomfort in the throat
  • Roughness of the voice
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Fever with cold shivers particularly observed in acute bronchitis
  • Out of breath and loud breathing. The breathing sounds hoarse and punitive.
  • Congested sinuses
  • Headaches
  • Discomfort and body aches
  • Loss of hunger along with exhaustion
  • Recurring flare-ups or worsening of symptoms particularly in winter months as observed in chronic bronchitis.
  • With chronic bronchitis patients there might be an insistent deficiency of oxygen leading to symptoms such as blue lips and nails, widening of the tips of the fingers, inflammation of the legs, or severe breathing difficulty.

Treatment Of Bronchitis

Bronchitis treatment consists of numerous straightforward goals

  • Ruling out other disorders that could disturb the lungs (e.g. asthma) and the heart (e.g. heart attack) and managing them separately
  • Relieving signs of coughing, breathing difficulty etc.
  • Treating the contamination which caused the acute bronchitis
  • Decreasing the danger of chronic bronchitis
  • Decreasing the danger of other lung infections such as pneumonia
  • Avoiding or halting the development of lung injury particularly due to chronic bronchitis.

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