How To Manage Drowsiness

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What Is Drowsiness?

  • Feeling unusually drowsy or tired during the day is generally known as drowsiness.
  • Drowsiness might lead to other symptoms, such as absentmindedness or falling asleep at unsuitable times.

Causes of Drowsiness

  • A range of things might cause drowsiness. These can range from psychological states and life choices to severe health conditions.

Life Choices

  • Certain life choices might lead to drowsiness, such as functioning for very long hours or swapping to night shift.
  • In most circumstances, your drowsiness will decrease as your body adjusts to your new schedule.

Psychological State

Feeling unusually drowsy or tired during the day is generally known as drowsiness.
Feeling unusually drowsy or tired during the day is generally known as drowsiness.
  • Drowsiness can also be triggered by your psychological, or emotional, state.
  • Depression can significantly increase drowsiness, as can high levels of nervousness or anxiety.
  • Boredom is another recognized cause of drowsiness. If your drowsiness is triggered by these circumstances, you are also likely to be exhausted and suffer from lethargy.

Medical Illnesses

  • Some medical illnesses can cause drowsiness, such as diabetes.
  • Other illnesses that might lead to drowsiness include those that cause long-lasting pain or disturb your metabolism, such as hyponatremia.
  • An underactive thyroid might also make you feel sleepy.


  • Several medications, mainly sleeping tablets, tranquilizers, and antihistamines, list drowsiness as a potential side effect.
  • Normally these medications convey a warning against driving or using equipment while on the drugs.

Related Video On Drowsiness


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