Bees, wasp and ants are insects that cause problems when they sting. A sting from a wasp is known as hymenoptera sting. Wasps will sting when they are defending their territory and when their nests are disturbed. A sting from a wasp is very poisonous because of the venom and it can cause severe allergic reactions. When a wasp stings a person, there is a severe stinging sensation followed by swelling, redness and itchiness. A large red area will develop on the skin where the individual was stung. In some cases, a bacterial skin infection occurs.
Deaths from wasp sting are due to an allergic reaction. The immune system of the body is sensitive or allergic to the venom and the body will react, causing an allergic reaction.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction to wasp stings
- Swelling of the throat
- Hives
- Low blood pressure
- Nausea and vomiting
- Rashes
- Faintness
If these symptoms occur seek immediate emergency care.
When a wasp stings a person who is not allergic to its venom, the effect of the sting is minor. When plenty of wasps sting a person, he/she will experience kidney failure, muscle breakdown and other health problems. Problems can also occur in people who are not allergic to the wasp sting, depending on where they are stung. If they were stung by the wasp in the mouth or throat, there is swelling that will obstruct the airway making it difficult to breathe.
Treatment of wasp bites
Wasp injects venom by stinging their victims. The venom is poisonous and cause injury to the victim’s body.
- Remove the stinger in the affected area with a piece of card. Do this immediately after the victim was stung.
- Wash the area with soap and warm water and pat it dry.
- Apply antibiotic ointment to the area. Always follow the medication’s dosage and instructions.
- Apply a cold compress on the area. Just leave the compress in place for 20 minutes and after 20 minutes remove it from the area. Repeat this procedure every hour until there is no more swelling.
- If there is itching or a rash, take an antihistamine. If there is pain, take a pain reliever.
If a wasp approaches you, just remain calm and stay still. They are more likely to sting if you start screaming and running around. Do not try to remove a wasp nest near your house. You have to contact a pest control service.
If you are eating outdoors, keep the food covered to avoid attracting wasps. Close garbage containers tightly. Wear shoes when you are outdoors to avoid stepping on a wasp. Do not put any hairspray on your hair or wearing perfume because wasps are attracted to scents.
People who are not allergic to the sting of wasp can reduce swelling by treating it with ice or over-the-counter pain medications like Tylenol or Motrin. To control the itching, a paste of baking soda and water can also be applied to the site of the sting.