There exist a great relationship between CPR HCP and CPR level C which are courses offered to health care providers on CPR training in Canada. The two courses are provided by most of the approved CPR and first aid providers in the country. The content of the two courses integrates CPR techniques used to rescue child, adult and infants. Recertification courses are also provided for both courses. This means that after expiry of the original certificate, candidates have option to get recertified after meeting the laid down requirements. When enrolling for the basic first aid course, candidates have the option of selecting either CPR HCP or CPR C. Both courses are also undertaken in almost in an identical amount of time and almost similar in terms of cost.
CPR HCP is more advanced
The course level incorporates all the content taught in CPR C level. However, it has more information that those professional working in health care facilities should know. The working environment of health care providers, whereby they work as team this level has more of two or multiple rescue training. The candidates learn more on how to use different equipments. They will learn how to use bag valve masks in one or two people rescue situations. In addition, since employees in the health care sector may have multiple rescuers, application of CPR techniques is key. Therefore, in this level candidates learn ventilation based rescues and how to conduct reassessment of victims as they carry out CPR rescues. In CPR HCP, the trainees learn about the ratio of compressions and breaths for victims with circulation, but cannot breathe. The knowledge is also applied when conducting multiple rescues. In addition, the trainees gain skills on how to open airways if a victim has or is suspected to have received a spinal injury.
The training takes a longer Duration
CPR HCP is a more developed level of CPR training applicable to people working in the health care sector. Trainees in this level learn how they can apply the techniques outside the workplace. In this level, candidates take one more hour in the learning process. This is because there are more materials and skills the rescuers need to learn to be effective when offering CPR on victims. In Canada, health care providers are supposed to undergo CPR training in this level especially due to the fact that they are faced with situations where they should carry out multiple rescues.